Builders Merchant Software

Established in 1842, Hampshire-based Elliott Brothers Ltd is an independent, family-owned builders’ merchant. Employing around 300 staff across 13 branches, Elliott’s delivery service is provided by 50 drivers across all branches.
Using their ERP system to plan journeys, Elliott’s previously relied on the paper-based delivery notes which were printed daily and given to drivers. If a driver needed to contact a customer they would refer to the details printed on the delivery note and call them manually from their mobile phone. Conversely, if a customer wanted an update on their delivery, they would have to contact branch staff directly.
This way of working left Elliott’s with several inherent challenges: inconsistency, inefficiency of processes and lack of visibility of job progress, all of which resulted in wasted time and resources.
Having recognised the need to streamline and improve their processes, coupled with the knowledge that their competitors were digitalising their businesses, Elliott’s discovered Alternative Logic while searching the internet for digital Point of Delivery (POD) solutions. The need to find a solution was further hastened by the imminent arrival of Elliott’s new eCommerce platform, which would require electronic order updates for customers.
Alternative Logic was selected due to its flexibility and the ease with which it would integrate with existing systems, such as the incumbent ERP and telematics solution. Alternative Logic provided Elliott’s with:
- The ability to plan and execute deliveries with ease
- Trip planning to maximise vehicle capacity and minimise the number of trips
- The flexibility afforded between the planning of a delivery and its execution – drivers are able to amend routes and plans as appropriate
- Order tracking throughout the entire lifecycle
- Document management
- Proof of delivery
Alternative Logic stood out to Elliott’s as being one of the most modern looking solutions while having all the features they needed. In addition, the flexibility and customisation available allowed Alternative Logic to seamlessly integrate with Elliott’s existing processes and business applications which meant data would no longer be manually entered or double-handled.
The Alternative Logic solution enables Elliott’s to effectively monitor the planning and execution of deliveries while keeping customers up-to-date with the status of their orders. Other benefits include:
- Paperless route planning and deliveries
- Live delivery status and updates
- Detailed reporting and analytics
- Proof of delivery via photograph and digital signatures
“Alternative Logic have been really accommodating with the way our processes work (which we understand to be different to anything Alternative Logic have implemented before), spending a lot of time talking through the options with us and suggesting ways that we could improve processes within the system.
This solution has enabled us to plan, monitor and execute deliveries while keeping customers up-to-date with the status of their orders in a way we could never do before.”
Adam Gunning, Head of IT, Elliott Brothers
analyse data via integrated reporting and utilise dashboards and wallboards for live performance status.
built to align your business' processes and workflows with best practice while integrating seamlessly with your existing systems.