Route Planning and Optimisation

Route Planning Software

Alternative Logic understand that all companies plan and schedule the tasks for their remote workforce differently which is why our route planning and optimisation modules are flexible and fully customisable.

Whether you plan single tasks or group them, our route planning software can help you to better plan your routes.

Optimise routes automatically

Simple drag and drop manual scheduling is also available

Track costs by journey

Manage contract time constraints and performance

Visual planning tools simplify route-changing decisions

Alternative Logic will help you to build routes for your fleet of drivers and allocate them directly to the drivers’ mobile devices, fully digitising your routing and removing the need for paper-based planning and task allocation. Using our configurable Task Planner function, you can even let the system allocate the tasks for you.

If your routes rarely deviate from the norm, the trip template will allow you to create milk-round schedules and automatically generate tasks for your drivers daily.

The route optimisation module uses mapping algorithms to calculate the travel distance and road types, and vehicle sizes to ensure that you can fully schedule each worker’s day as efficiently as possible.

reporting and analytics

analyse data via integrated reporting and utilise dashboards and wallboards for live performance status.

case management

record and track full customer journeys including complaints, issues and enquiries.